

Shipping rate will be calculated at checkout and are based on destination and shipment weight.

You can apply any discount or promotional codes at checkout.


We can take up to 5 business days to process your order. Orders are not processed on the weekends.  However, our goal is to ship orders within 48 hours of the order (excluding holidays and weekends).


Sales tax is charged for all orders shipped inside of California. San Leandro sales tax is 10.0%. There is no sales tax charged for all orders shipped outside of California. 


USA - We ship orders via FedEx Ground, USPS First Class or USPS Priority Mail. Please allow 1-6 business days for shipping transit time.

INTERNATIONAL - All shipments will have a FedEx tracking number provided and tracked at least to the port of exit in the US to your local country. Please allow 1 to 4 weeks for shipping.  Shipping times vary from country to country and are delivered through your local postal system.  *International orders are subject to Duties & Taxes by the destination country's government. We are not responsible for these charges or fees.

Tracking Info

Be on the lookout for a shipment notification with the subject line "[Mother Jones] Shipment Notification".  The email will include a link to your tracking number.   Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking info to appear on the shipper's website.